Thursday, August 13, 2009

art gone bad

Category: Music
Today I read an article about Vybes Kartel answers to  Queen Ifrica
now I am a Vybes Kartel fan but have to side with Ifrica on this topic. 
Dancehall music has always been hardcore ,sexual and gangster 
but I am trying to find out  if there was any point in the dancehall music industry  that an artist puts his lyrics so straight forward.
 I was watching a video with Vybes and a female artist dressed up in school  uniform acting out being pregnant 
and I said to myself this is something that little girls will grab on to 
this is like kisko at the school gate and young boys gonna now try and breed 
off their little girlfriend and if she gets pregnant and her mother and father gets mad they are gonna use lines like this  'tell yuh madda seh mi love you' 
now is that what we are teaching the youths 
I am not saying this is not art but its art gone bad . 


  1. He who is without sin cast the first stone!!!

  2. thanks for this especially from a dancehall artist... its all about time and place... its one thing to sing on a topic but a video portraying 'grown up' topics utilizing 'younger' impressionable minds is another thing...
